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  • Daily attendance, on-time arrival, and active participation in each class is critical to the learning process.
  • If an absence is unavoidable, it must be reported by a parent/guardian to the WANIC office within 48 hours of the missed day, otherwise it will be recorded as unexcused. Teachers cannot record absences as excused. The student's home high school is not expected to contact WANIC for school-related absences, the parent/guardian must excuse the WANIC absence even if it's school-related..
  • Communication must include the student's full name, date of absence, and detailed reason for absence.
  • To report an absence, a parent/guardian must email or call 425-739-8400 (messages can be left 24 hours a day).
  • Supertardies (15+ minutes late) are recorded as unexcused absences. WANIC will update these to excused supertardies once we hear from a parent/guardian and an approved reason has been provided. See below for list of approved absence reasons.
  • Students should have their routines established to avoid late arrivals. Sleeping in or getting gas are not considered valid excuses for arriving late. Please help your students plan accordingly.
  • Students may not self-dismiss before the end of class time unless this has been pre-arranged with the parent/guardian and the WANIC office. It is extremely disruptive to the teacher and classmates when we’re notified of early dismissals after class has started. We understand that emergencies can arise, but please inform the WANIC office within a reasonable time frame, wherever possible, to minimize this disruption.
  • Students are expected to attend classes according to their WANIC program-specific calendar, even if different than their home high school. For program-specific calendars, please see district and program Calendars

WANIC follows an attendance policy similar to business and industry in that a student is considered an employee or a professional and is expected to be in full daily attendance in order to assure that maximum learning and productivity are achieved. Daily attendance and active participation in each class is a critical part of the learning process. The following policies and procedures are designed to help students learn responsibility and increase their potential for success. As part of recognizing the importance of this issue, parents and student are responsible for both being aware of student’s attendance and correcting any error in a timely manner.

All program instructors main­tain the standards and attendance expectations for their programs. Individual teacher policies may include grade or disciplinary consequences related to attendance. Refer to teacher syllabus for specifics. Progressive discipline may be assigned for unexcused absences.

These standards teach what employers expect of their employees: 

  • Being dependable – Students are expected to be at school/work every day.
  • Being on time – Students are expected to be prompt, not late, and ready to work.
  • Doing a full day's work – Students are expected to stay on task, not leaving early or stopping work ear­ly, but complete what is expected and put materials away.

Programs at WANIC Skill Center include numerous hands-on activities which can be attained only by being in attendance. The skill application and practice in the shop or lab setting is critical to skill competency.

Absence Procedures

Absences must be reported by the parent/guardian to the WANIC Office within 48 hours of the missed day. There are three ways to excuse an absence:

  • A parent/guardian can email
  • A parent/guardian can phone 425.739.8400 (messages can be left 24 hours a day).
  • A parent/guardian can send a written note, signed by the parent/guardian, directly to the WANIC office.

All attendance communication must include the student's full name, date of absence, and detailed reason for the absence and must be submitted directly to the WANIC office. Please review File: 3122 and File: 3122P for more information on State laws regarding school absences. Until a valid reason is provided, the absence will be considered unexcused. Verification from a medical professional may be required for excessive absences. It is the student’s responsibility to have their parents excuse absences on time.

Absence excuses must be communicated directly to the WANIC office. We encourage communicating to the teacher too, however, the WANIC office must hear from the parent/guardian directly in order to excuse an absence. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to relay parent messages to the office. The student's home high school does not communicate your student's excused absence so please communicate with us directly.

Emergency Release & Illness

If you become ill during the day, report to your teacher. Do not leave school for any reason without signing out or you will be considered truant.

What is an Excused Absence (Approved Absence Reasons)?

Under state law, student absences will be considered excused for the following reasons:

  • The student is participating in a district- or school-approved activity;
  • The student is ill or has a health condition or medical appointment;
  • The student has a family emergency;
  • The student is absent due to the observance of a religious or cultural holiday;
  • The student is involved in a court, judicial proceeding, or is serving on a jury;
  • The student is participating in a post-secondary, technical school, or apprenticeship program visitation or scholarship interview;
  • The student is participating in a state-recognized search and rescue activity;
  • The student is absent due to an issue directly related to their homeless status;
  • The student is absent related to the deployment activities of a parent or legal guardian who is on active duty;
  • The student is absent due to school discipline; or
  • The student is absent due to an activity that the principal and parent mutually approve of.

School principals have the authority to determine if an absence meets any of these criteria.

More information LWSD Website: Attendance Matters to Academic Performance.

Pre-Arranged Extended Absence

Pre-Arranged Absence Form (PDF)

Pre-Arranged Absence Form (PDF)

If it is unavoidable that your student will be missing three or more school days, you must complete the Pre-Arranged Absence Form at least one week prior to the absence. This form requires approval from both the instructor and the WANIC Director, who will consider the student's current grade, attendance record, and the impact additional absences will have on the student's academic progress. The Pre Arranged Absence form can be downloaded or picked up in the WANIC office.

We believe that students need to attend school to receive the fullest measure of educational benefit and we would like to work with you to eliminate unnecessary absences. We understand that there are legitimate reasons that a student needs to be absent and will work with you and your student when these circumstances do occur. Poor attendance may impact your student’s grade. In our effort to communicate and work together for your student’s success, grade and attendance information is available any time online through Parent Access.

Teachers are not required to provide classwork or assignments in advance of an absence.