Frequently Asked Questions about WANIC Summer Semester.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Are there any prerequisites for WANIC Summer Semester classes?
- Can home school or private school students enroll in WANIC Summer Semester?
- Can my student choose to not have the grade on their transcript?
- Can my student earn college credit for summer semester?
- Can my student drop the class without penalty?
- Can my student enroll in more than one class?
- Can my student miss more than one day of summer semester?
- Do siblings have priority to be placed together?
- Does a W (Withdrawal) affect my student's GPA?
- How do I apply for financial assistance?
- How do I check my student's application status?
- How do I excuse my student's absence?
- How does the lottery work?
- How does the waitlist work?
- How is my student's eligibility determined?
- How much is tuition?
- How seriously should my student be taking their WANIC summer semester class?
- I tried applying for a class, but it does not show up as a choice on the application. What should I do?
- Is a site visit required to participate in WANIC Summer Semester?
- Is there more than one Summer Semester session each summer?
- Is transportation provided?
- My student is not enrolled in the Bellevue, Issaquah, Lake Washington, Mercer Island, Northshore or Snoqualmie Valley School District. We live in another school district. How can my student enroll in WANIC Summer Semester?
- My student is on an IEP or has a 504. What can I expect?
- My student is on an IHP (individualized health plan) or needs medication during the day. What should I do?
- We have a family trip planned for several days during summer semester. Can these be excused?
- What are the important dates and deadlines?
- What if my student decides they no longer want to participate in the class?
- What does conditional enrollment mean?
- What is the attendance policy?
- What is the difference between an excused absence and an unexcused absence?
- What is the difference between WANIC Summer Semester and a typical summer camp?
- What is the student-teacher ratio?
- What is the 0.5 Occ Ed credit?
- What is the 12th grade priority policy?
- What supplies does my student need?
- When will I find out if my student is enrolled or waitlisted?
- When will I find out the class schedule, classroom, teacher info?
- Who can I contact with questions?
- Why does my student need to be approved by his/her home high school?
- Why doesn't WANIC use Incomplete (I) for Summer Semester grading?
- Why is the Biosystems, Genetic Research & Ethics and Systems Thinking for Health and Wellness different than the other classes?
- Will my student have fun?