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Summer Courses

Summer 2025 dates will be finalized after consortium districts have determined if they will be adding school days in June due to district weather closures.

Tentatively WANIC Summer Semester is scheduled Thursday June 26 - Wednesday July 16. DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

WANIC Summer Information 

Summer 2025 Information is not available at this time. If you would like to complete this short form, we will email you when information is available.

WANIC Summer Semester 2025 Info Request form

By submitting a WANIC Summer Semester application, the parent/guardian agrees the student will not be scheduled for any other classes, activities, competitions, holidays, work, lengthy appointments, vacations etc that will conflict with the WANIC 13 day 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM semester schedule. 

WANIC Summer 

  • Summer semester 2025 dates: TBD
  • Monday-Friday 
  • Class time 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. All classes are In Person.
  • Application window TBD (3:00 PM: applications must be SUBMITTED before this time). See Summer Timeline for additional information. There will be a button on this page called Apply for Summer 2025 visible and active only during the Application Window.
  • Secondary application window TBD for programs that have openings or short waitlists; applications are first-come, first-served during this SECONDARY application window.
  • Student's ID number must be included in student's application. If the student is not currently enrolled in your school district, enroll there first to obtain this ID number. Applications that do not include this ID number cannot be submitted and will not be included in the lottery.
  • Once the student's high school indicates your student is eligible, you will receive an email that the student has been waitlisted while WANIC continues to complete their processes.
  • Students who do not attend the entire first day will be dropped from the program. No exceptions.
  • Students must have their own lunch and transportation.
  • Grade and credit earned will be sent to the student's home high school where they are required to be entered on the student's permanent high school transcript. This includes rising 9th graders. This is not optional.
  •  *See FAQs Page for additional information.
  • Summer semester is exploratory and introductory.
  • Attendance Policy – WANIC summer programs are fast-paced so students can earn a high school semester of credit in only 13 days. There is insufficient time for a student to address missed course content if absent more than one day. If a student is too sick for school for more than 24 hours, such that they will miss more than one day  of school, they will be offered a ‘hardship withdrawal’ and to be dropped from the class. A hardship withdrawal (“W”) will not negatively affect their GPA. Visit LWSD's Too Sick for School page for WANIC policies regarding students with symptoms.
  • WANIC Summer Semester does not have an online option.
  • Home school and private school students must have a current and active registration with their local public high school. The student's ID number provided by your school district is required information at the time of application. If the student's registration has expired because the student does not attend, work with the school process to be active in their system again.


Summer Semester Overview

Important Information

Summer Rules & Regulations

Summer Attendance Policy

Summer Course Descriptions

Summer FAQ

Summer Timeline

Barrier Reduction Application 

There is no tuition due for Summer Semester. Financial assistance may be available for transportation and other costs for families who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch. Please download, complete the Barrier Reduction Application and verification process. Please complete ASAP. 

Youth ORCA Pass - Students ride free - please visit their website.