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Fire and EMS

Fire student extinguishing live fire


  • Location: WANIC at LWTech
  • 3 High School Credits: CTE (1.0), Lab Science (1.0), PE (1.0), [Health (0.5) available to replace PE or Lab Science]
  • 2 Year Program Available
  • No Tuition
  • Program fees may apply Financial assistance may be available for qualifying students
  • College Credits and Certifications available: Contact WANIC to find out more

This is a full year 3-period Skill Center class (3 high school credits).

Learn the skills necessary to pursue a career in the fire service and to be an integral part of a community emergency response team. Taught by fire-fighting professionals. Students experience firefighter training, fire prevention, inspection and investigation, alarm systems, dispatching, CERT, and emergency medical services.

Students drill at Eastside fire stations in full bunker gear to further practice all this profession has to offer. Students read college level textbooks and practicing technical writing skills. This is a realistic mix of hands-on training and academic learning that closely imitates a career in this exciting field. 0.5 Health credit available to replace 0.5 PE or 0.5 Lab Science for Semester 2 upon request.

Students who successfully complete Year 1 may be eligible to apply for Year 2.


After graduation, students have several opportunities to further their education including:

Everett Community College (Everett, WA) The Fire & EMS program has an agreement with Everett Community College. The first four classes in the Fire Science program are waived due to the scope and breadth of our program. This allows WANIC students to seamlessly merge into the ECC Fire Academy, the EMT class, and the Fire Science Program.

Central Washington University (Ellensburg, WA) CWU offers a Bachelor of Science Paramedicine degree.

Chemeketa Community College (Salem, OR) and University of Alaska-Fairbanks (Fairbanks, AK) These schools offer unique programs including many aspects of the fire service (suppression, investigation, prevention, and more). These programs allow the students to intern as a firefighter.



Course Expectations: Fire & EMS. Located at WANIC Skill Center

Reading Expectations of this class:

In our class we utilize two professional books; Emergency Care & Transportation for the Sick & Injured, and IFSTA Essentials of Firefighting. Throughout the year students will work through the fundamental chapters of each book while exploring case studies and projects relating to industry skills and abilities. These texts have a general reading level of 8th grade but some material is college level. Students are expected to follow along the chapter material and take lecture notes to prepare them for quizzes and tests.

Writing Expectations of this class:

Each week we have a written quiz on the material covered as well as a monthly test over the information covered each month. In addition, students will work on assignments such as reports, projects, and presentations focused on building their industry knowledge and employability skills.

Math Expectations of this class:

Not applicable

Science Expectations of this class:

As part of our Lab Science credit, students learn about physical and applied sciences such as Human Anatomy & Physiology, and Fire Dynamics. Students shall explore these areas among others and demonstrate understanding through Patient Assessments and Firefighting Skills Sheets scenarios.

Homework Expectations of this class:

Students are allotted time in class to complete their work in class if they utilize their time wisely. If they are unable to, then the expectation is to complete the work at home to turn in on the necessary due date. We also require students to complete 20 Hours of Community Service per semester to grow their community service and communication skills as young Fire & EMS professionals.

To be successful in this class, the student should be prepared to:

To be successful, our biggest expectation is that students TRY and give it their best effort. Critical thinking, maturity, self motivation, and impulsivity control is extremely important for Fire & EMS professionals and are required characteristics of students in our program. Successful students consistently display professional workplace behaviors following Fire/EMS Service & Skills Center expectations.

We follow an attendance policy similar to business and industry; the student is considered an employee and is expected to be in full daily attendance and actively participating to assure that maximum learning and productivity are achieved. This program includes numerous hands-on activities and physical training which can be attained only by being in attendance.

Additional Information:
  • 0.5 Health credit HEO511 available upon request to replace 0.5 PE or 0.5 of Lab Science for Semester 2.
  • Prerequisites Year 2: Successful completion of Year 1.
  • CTE Dual Credit - College Credit May Be Available.