- Ensure student access and opportunities, while promoting equity and diversity in programs
- Provide highly challenging, relevant, specialized courses and programs
- Maintain and expand business and industry partnerships and connections
WANIC, the Washington Network for Innovative Careers, is a consortium of seven school districts in the region to the northeast of Seattle, which have been in partnership for over 20 years and share Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Member districts include Bellevue, Issaquah, Lake Washington, Mercer Island, Northshore, Riverview, and Snoqualmie Valley. As a state-approved interdistrict CTE consortium, WANIC's primary mission is to provide quality, diverse, and cost-effective career and technical education for all students through interdistrict cooperation.
Class Schedule
Year-long WANIC courses follow the school schedule for the district where the class is located, which may be different from your home high school's schedule. Calendars for Classes at the WANIC Skills Center and DigiPen can be found at this link.
Business / Community Integration
WANIC constantly looks for ways to enhance the classroom learning experience for students and teachers by making connections to the "real world". Opportunities such as job shadowing, internships, mentoring, field trips, and guest speakers in the classroom are always needed. If you are interested in partnering with us, contact the WANIC office at 425-739-8400.